Tag Archives: homosexuality

Moral Obligation vs. Moral Approval

by Joshua Crutchfield With the firestorm underway in Indiana and much of the United States regarding religious liberty and the outcry of discrimination, I find it necessary to point out the obvious. After watching the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission’s … Continue reading

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Emerging Theological Issues for Evangelicals In the Days Ahead: Part 2

*By Dr. Everett Berry. This piece originally appeared at his blog, All Things New. It is re-posted here in it’s entirety with his permission.  In my previous post, I spoke of three theological issues that I think are emerging or could potentially … Continue reading

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Getting Past the Shouting Match

*Posted by Winston Hottman Like much of the “dialogue” in the Chik-fil-A controversy, public debate over homosexuality tends to devolve into little more than a shouting match. New Testament scholar, N. T. Wright, shares some thoughts on a better way … Continue reading

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An Academic Auto-da-Fe

*Posted by Barry Creamer In a recent article for the Chronicle of Higher Education, Christian Smith discusses how “a sociologist whose data find fault with same-sex relationships is savaged by the progressive orthodoxy:” Whoever said inquisitions and witch hunts were things … Continue reading

Posted in Academics, Culture, Ethics, Family | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Did Jesus Support Gay Marriage?

Yesterday, President Obama came out in support of gay marriage. In an interview with ABC News he explained that his view on the issue had evolved over time and that he felt the need to take an affirmative position. While … Continue reading

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