Category Archives: Theology

Moral Obligation vs. Moral Approval

by Joshua Crutchfield With the firestorm underway in Indiana and much of the United States regarding religious liberty and the outcry of discrimination, I find it necessary to point out the obvious. After watching the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission’s … Continue reading

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In the Lion’s Den: Tough Topics with Everett Berry

After our latest Lion’s Den Q&A with professors, we asked our resident theologian, Dr. Everett Berry, to discuss the theological implications of the questions raised by our students.

Posted in Christian Life, Culture, Current Affairs, Debates, Ethics, Theology | 1 Comment

Divine Singularity

by Kirk Spencer It was an amazing thing… holding something so fresh from heaven, only a few hours after her arrival—my first grandbaby—Aberdeen Alexandra. It was very different from holding my first child—the one who handed her to me, now … Continue reading

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ENT Theology

by Kirk Spencer I recently found myself sitting at the “kid’s” table. Other than me, the ages ranged from 5 to 9. If you ever sat at the kid’s table, you will know if was all quite silly. However when … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Life, Theology | 2 Comments

Sovereignty and Submission: Mary and the Christmas Story

by Joe Wooddell The Christmas season is upon us, and there is so much we can learn from the various Scriptures that speak about the subject. In Luke 1:26-38 God’s power and Mary’s submission are clearly seen: “Nothing will be … Continue reading

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The Lion’s Den: A Q&A with Criswell College Professors

Four Criswell College professors recently got together for a “Lion’s Den” panel where they answered difficult practical or theological questions submitted by students. Topics included prophetic dreams and visions, singleness and marriage, gluttony, and eschatology.

Posted in Academics, Biblical Interpretation, Christian Life, Debates, Theology | Leave a comment

Endowed by Our CR

by Kirk Spencer Ben Affleck said that “we are endowed by our CR…” He was attempting to quote that famous line from the Declaration of Independence—that we are “endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights.”  Ben only barely got … Continue reading

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Alpha Dogs and Dumbbells

by Kirk Spencer Dumbbells At my gym, there is a long racks of dumbbells; all sizes of dumbbells, from tiny ones, that barely fit into your hand at one end to Godzilla size at the other end. One day, when … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Life, Theology | 2 Comments

Christian Leadership Part 1: A Glorious Humility

by Winston Hottman When Jesus arrived as the long-anticipated king of Israel, he was a far cry from the kind of leader that many expected him to be. While the gospel narratives describe him as one with authority and power, it … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Life, Ministry, Theology | 2 Comments

What if G. K. Chesterton Tweeted?

by Kirk Spencer I know there was no Twitter around when G.K. Chesterton was around… But if there were, I’m sure these tweets would be legit: If there were no God, there would be no atheists[1]#EvolutionaryNotRevolutionaryEnough  Progress is Providence without … Continue reading

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