Category Archives: Family

Somewhere Softer and Safer

by Kirk Spencer The other night, I was checking doors before I went to bed. All the doors were locked and the lights were off. I made my way through the dark house, to each bedroom to check on my … Continue reading

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Light Show Over Disney World

*Posted by Kirk Spencer I have been to Disney Land a couple of times, but this summer I got to go to Disney World! Which is very different…It was a sort of a “rite of passage” for me. I remember … Continue reading

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A Shield for Freedom: Home Schooling and the Power of the State

*Posted by Winston Hottman At The Federalist, Jayme Metzgar discusses the relationship between homeschooling and other rights that we hold dear: Unlike Germany, America has a very strong tradition of liberty and individual rights. With the residual influence of men … Continue reading

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Making Jesus Famous

*Posted by Winston Hottman Brandon Smith has a post up at Desiring God discussing the task of discipleship as it relates to fatherhood: I have already been tempted to shirk the “prefab parenting models” in an attempt to raise my … Continue reading

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Historic Pro-Life Bill to Come Before Texas Legislature

*Winston Hottman In  a special session called by Governor Rick Perry, the Texas legislature will be voting this week on House Bill 2, an historic piece of legislation that should drastically reduce the number of abortions in the state. Texas … Continue reading

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Homosexuality and Heterosexual Sin

*Posted by Winston Hottman Jerry Walls, Professor in Philosophy at Houston Baptist University, explains what is necessary for Christians to challenge homosexual behavior with integrity: So here is the main point at which I am driving. Christians have no chance … Continue reading

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The Future of Religious Liberty

*The following is a post by Ben Domenech, editor of Houston Baptist University’s The City journal. The piece originally appeared in Domenech’s daily email newsletter The Transom. You can subscribe here. This week should bring two significant Supreme Court decisions on … Continue reading

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As Long As We Both Shall Lease

*Posted by Kirk Spencer A while back, I was listening to a talk-radio program and the DJ (or TJ in this case) brought up the topic of “co-habitation.” While listening, it became clear that there were at least two defining … Continue reading

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The Gospel and the (Im)perfect Marriage

*Posted by Winston Hottman **This piece orginally appeared at the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. According to Merriam-Webster, perfectionism can be defined as follows: A disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable; especially the setting of unrealistically demanding … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Theology, Uncategorized | Tagged | 1 Comment

Kermit Gosnell and the Culture of Death

*Posted by Brandon Smith The picture to the left is my daughter, Harper Grace Smith, on March 29, 2013. In this photo and subsequent photos and videos, we were shown her developed vital organs, her strong heartbeat, and her incessant … Continue reading

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