Category Archives: Academics

The Engaging Culture of the Mind

by Kirk Spencer “Engage” and “transform” are popular words in academic circles. They can take on many meanings. Taken together, they usually imply connecting (engaging) to make a difference (transform). In my opinion, this is not something that can be … Continue reading

Posted in Academics, Christian Life, Culture | 2 Comments

Criswell College: Engaging Minds. Transforming Culture.

by Dr. Barry Creamer, President & Professor of Humanities, Criswell College Language is incredibly powerful, especially when it is ambiguous. Most of us learn that ambiguity is bad from an early age, but that’s because most of the people who … Continue reading

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The Lion’s Den: A Q&A with Criswell College Professors

Four Criswell College professors recently got together for a “Lion’s Den” panel where they answered difficult practical or theological questions submitted by students. Topics included prophetic dreams and visions, singleness and marriage, gluttony, and eschatology.

Posted in Academics, Biblical Interpretation, Christian Life, Debates, Theology | Leave a comment

Maintaining Good Reading Habits

by Bill Watson Reading well is not easy. Many of us recognize the value of being well-read but few of us really know how to become well-read. Becoming well-read requires that we read books that are not necessarily of immediate … Continue reading

Posted in Academics | 1 Comment

Christianity and the Importance of Philosophy

by Joe Wooddell The Bible says not to be taken captive through philosophy (Col. 2:8). The warning, however, is not against philosophy (or the love of wisdom) in general, but rather to empty, worldly philosophy instead of a philosophy “according … Continue reading

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The Undaunted Message of Freedom

by Brandon Smith. This was originally posted at Desiring God. “I think, therefore I am.” René Descartes penned this popular line in his 1637 treatise, Discourse on the Method, and it’s a good summary of the book itself. Heralding the … Continue reading

Posted in Academics, Christian Life, Philosophy, Theology | 1 Comment

Why College?: Higher Education & the Pursuit of More

*Posted by Joe Wooddell As a new school year begins a question worth asking is, “Why college?” Every year, many students sense that God is guiding them toward higher education. However, what’s the purpose? What’s the point of going? My … Continue reading

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The Art of Questioning: An Interview with Matthew Lee Anderson

*Posted by Brandon Smith I am thrilled to welcome my friend Matthew Lee Anderson to the blog today to talk about faith, doubt, and his new book on how to question well, The End of Our Exploring. Matthew is also the author of Earthen … Continue reading

Posted in Academics, Christian Life, Culture, Ministry, Philosophy, Review, Theology | Leave a comment

A Missiology for the Academy

*Posted by Brandon Smith The academic world has the reputation in some circles of being disconnected from the church or not “practical” enough. And in some ways this critique is fair. But do academics really matter to the Christian life? … Continue reading

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The Story of a Redeemed Lesbian Leftist

*Posted by Brandon Smith Of course, every Christian should be keenly aware of their own propensity to reject God and choose sin. Our daily walks with the Lord are never easy and are often marked with stumbling. And for those … Continue reading

Posted in Academics, Christian Life, Christian Spirituality, Culture | 1 Comment