An Academic Auto-da-Fe

*Posted by Barry Creamer

In a recent article for the Chronicle of Higher Education, Christian Smith discusses how “a sociologist whose data find fault with same-sex relationships is savaged by the progressive orthodoxy:”

Whoever said inquisitions and witch hunts were things of the past? A big one is going on now. The sociologist Mark Regnerus, at the University of Texas at Austin, is being smeared in the media and subjected to an inquiry by his university over allegations of scientific misconduct.

Regnerus’s offense? His article in the July 2012 issue of Social Science Research reported that adult children of parents who had same-sex romantic relationships, including same-sex couples as parents, have more emotional and social problems than do adult children of heterosexual parents with intact marriages. That’s it. Regnerus published ideologically unpopular research results on the contentious matter of same-sex relationships. And now he is being made to pay. 

In today’s political climate, and particularly in the discipline of sociology—dominated as it is by a progressive orthodoxy—what Regnerus did is unacceptable. It makes him a heretic, a traitor—and so he must be thrown under the bus.

Read the rest of the article here.

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1 Response to An Academic Auto-da-Fe

  1. bricejohnson says:

    that’s my old professor!

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