Gun Control and Chicken Sandwiches

*Posted by Winston Hottman

Below are two articles worth a look:

At the Christian Post, Dr. Russell Moore considers whether gun control is a pro-life issue or not:

Many Christians and other pro-lifers support gun control measures, of course, and some support very extensive measures. But the question of gun control is a different question than the issue of gun violence itself.

The gun control debate isn’t between people who support the right to shoot innocent people and those who don’t. It’s instead a debate about what’s prudent, and what’s not, in solving the common goal of ending criminal violent behavior. That’s why orange-vested NRA members and vegan gun-control advocates can co-exist, as the Body of Christ, in the same church, without excommunicating one another.

Read the rest of Moore’s article here.

Also, check out yesterday’s opinion column by Eric Metaxas, where he discusses the politics of shopping:

Over at the Atlantic Monthly, Jonathan Merritt criticized those calling for a boycott of Chick-fil-A. After citing examples of Chick-fil-A’s service to communities and its dedication to its employees, Merritt asked, “In a nation that’s as divided as ours is, do we really want our commercial lives and our political lives to be so wholly intermeshed?”

In a better world, the answer might be “no.” In that better world, buying pens and eating lunch would be a politics-free experience. All that would matter is whether we’re getting value for our money.

Unfortunately, we’re stuck with the one we have.

Read the rest of the piece here.


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